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We Prefer Ideas


This was a university-based project. Auckland University of Technology required a new sub-brand and advertising campaign for its Communication design course. This is because they wanted to attract prospective students who have skills beyond drawing, such as creative thinkers, innovators and risk-takers.



WE PREFER IDEAS is a  campaign that targets young innovators by visually representing the modern, digital age. The brand style consist of glitchy design. This is because glitches are faults or problems within technology. Problems are attractive to innovators as they enjoy solving them. The campaign also uses successful innovators from different niches that  our target market could relate to.  

This project was done in collaboration with Monaz Turel

Photograph source : Elderkin, N. (2012). Tyler, The Creator. Oyster Magazine(98). Retrieved 17th August 2017 from

tyler final poster.jpg
elon musk poster.jpg
Animated Advertisement
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